30/05/2022 Par Ansoumane Camara Les commentaires sont désactivés #Watigueleya kèlê, Damaro, forest, forêt, Guinea, Guinée, Nakotou
Ansoumane Camara in the Nakotou forest, one and a half kilometres from Damaro centre. From now on, when a tree is cut down (for a funeral or other reason), the community obliges to reforest in the forest, in return. This forest has always existed and the climate is very mild. The aim is to reforest the whole of Damaro.
Je suis Ansoumane Camara, 32 ans, membre de l’association culturelle Donkosira. Je réside à Damaro, en République de Guinée Conakry. Je suis diplômé en administration, mais au chômage.
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