This report is about our classified forest. It’s a very important forest for us in Bouillagui, covering an area of more than 15 km. It is home to a palm tree specie known as the “rônier”. This is the most useful tree in Boullagui, with the trunks used for construction (roofing) and the branches used to make baskets. Around thirty
Seven years ago a large area of land was set aside for maize cultivation in Bouillagui, but due to climate change and other factors that destroy the land, it has become unfit for cultivation. The solution found to enrich this land without chemical fertilisers is the following. At the time of transhumance, whether it is oxen, sheep or goats, the
Due to the heavy rains in our region, our wells have suffered enormous damage, even the moulds of some wells have been washed away. To solve this problem, the villagers are bringing in large stones to fill the cracks in order to better cope with the next rainy season and stop the damage.
During the rainy season, groundnuts are grown in Bouillagui. Without chemical fertilisers, groundnuts are grown in the sandy field. The field is first ploughed with an ox-drawn plough, it can take 2-3 days, and for 1-2 weeks the groundnuts are planted.Then the weeding begins with a small daba. During 2 to 3 months the peanuts ripen, and then the harvest
During the rainy season there are certain problems in Bouillagui, such as the degradation of roads. In order to find sustainable solutions to this problem, which is due to climate change and the rainfall that degrades some roads, the villagers decided to rebuild the roads. Using stones and gravel, a day’s work was organised to asphalt the roads, which is
Here we are tackling the problem of rising prices for Tabaski sheep this year in Bouillagui due to the high cost of feed for the cattle and the lack of grass in the bush, which has been ravaged by bush fires. Mauritanian livestock farmers have moved with their cattle to sell them at very high prices: indeed the high
The village of Bouillagui is located 85 kilometres from Kayes, in the commune of Guidimakan Kerry Kaffo. The inhabitants of this village have been practising off-season farming for more than twenty years. Donkosira supported the last works for the women’s market garden in 2020. The oases you can see there. There are gardeners who do market gardening next to
The practice of tree nurseries has been an experience for us. Before, we used to go to Kayes to pay the nurseryman 1,000 or 1,500 CFA francs. In view of this situation, one day I took a decision with some of the villagers of Bouillagui: we collected rubber milk cans to put sand in them and we sowed some fruit
In the village of Bouillagui, a year ago, the inhabitants were trying to find solutions to the flooding that destroyed their habitat, caused by the rains. They had the idea of building mini-dams, which did not work. Thanks to various trips made by a village delegate, Wally Traoré (as part of the documentary on the project to other villages) was
The phenomenon of transhumance affects Bouillagui, which sometimes has to find solutions to its negative effects, but manages to use the fertilising potential of the animals. Transhumance and deforestation Bouillagui is on the border of Mauritania, so every rainy season, if there is not enough rain or a lack of rain in Mauritania, their transhumant people move to Mali with