Last December 2022, Marie Rodet with partners Donkosira (Mali) and Jiwe Studios (Kenya) organised a game jam in Bamako (Mali) with young villager participants in the project Djonya Kêlè Ja Toulon to design video game concepts to raise awareness on the issue of descent-based slavery and give people the tools and inspiration to fight it. These concepts were based on the oral history work about descent-based slavery that these villagers had been conducting in their community of Western and Central Mali in the previous months.
Following the creative work done in Bamako, the Djonya Kêlè Ja Toulon project also organised an online Game Jam hosted by Jiwe Studios in February 2023. For four days, the registered developer teams from across the continent (Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, South Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, to name a few) worked to turn the concepts imagined in Bamako in deliberation, the top three prototypes were selected and rewarded with 500USD for the 1st Place, 300 USD for the 2d place and 200 USD for the 3rd. These games are now available on Jiwe’s platform where you can discover them !