At the end of the harvest, the maize is cut. The most beautiful, largest and fullest maize is selected. They are tied up and put on tree branches. During the winter, they are detached and used for cultivation.
In the past, white maize was grown, but now it is yellow maize. Yellow maize is richer in vitamins than white maize, it is much faster than white maize, it yields much more than white maize and it is more beautiful too.
We inherited it from our grandparents, who grew yellow maize. It was the agricultural officials who brought the white maize to change the crop and we agreed on that.
Afterwards, we knew that white maize was not advantageous, some of our elders even continued with yellow maize because they never agreed on white maize.
And we turned to them so that they could finally give us some of the yellow maize to grow again because it is much more advantageous.