We are going to tell you about the big millet (called fêla in the Soninké language) which is grown in Bouillagui during the winter. It is a very fast seed, which gives a lot of millet. It is grown a lot, but there are also other millet seeds grown in Bouillagui. This one is fast and can withstand a lack of rain for about ten days. It is grown in fields that are a bit sandy, but if there is a year when it rains a lot the farmer has to look for a field where the water does not stay for long during a rainy day; and if there are years when it does not rain a lot the farmer has to cultivate downwards to get rainwater. So it is really millet that allows us to drive out hunger in a family.


  • Je m’appelle Diangou Diakité, je viens de Bouillagui (Mali). J’ai 23 ans. J’ai cinq enfants. Je suis conseillère municipale à la mairie de Guidimakha Kerrikaffo. Je fais partie de l’association des femmes de l’ADEMA-PASJ (Alliance pour la démocratie au Mali – Partie africain pour la solidarité et la justice) pour plaider la cause des femmes au sein de la commune.

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