We will explain how we grow rice in Bouillagui. Around June, as the rainy season approaches, before the first rainfall, the women go to the rice fields in the marigots.

They sow the rice grains before the rains come and they take the hoe to cultivate it. The rice can stay under the ground for about 2 months without growing until the first rains. When it grows, the women go to weed the rice fields. When it reaches maturity, the harvest begins in the rice field, after two months of work, around October. Working in the mud is really tiring. This rice is usually eaten during festivals or on special occasions.


  • Je m’appelle Diangou Diakité, je viens de Bouillagui (Mali). J’ai 23 ans. J’ai cinq enfants. Je suis conseillère municipale à la mairie de Guidimakha Kerrikaffo. Je fais partie de l’association des femmes de l’ADEMA-PASJ (Alliance pour la démocratie au Mali – Partie africain pour la solidarité et la justice) pour plaider la cause des femmes au sein de la commune.

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