26/06/2023 Par Association Donkosira Pas encore de commentaires #Watigueleya kèlê, baobab leaves, Bouillagui, feuilles de baobab, Mali
Baobab leaves are widely consumed in Bouillagui. After the end of the rainy season, each family has to cut the leaves from a baobab tree. They are used for cooking; they are mixed with couscous and are also used to make sauces for certain dishes. They are eaten everywhere, with neighbouring countries such as Mauritania and Senegal travelling back and forth to pick the leaves every season.
I chose the baobab leaf as my theme because it is so useful in our society. The baobab leaf is cut at the end of each winter season. Every family in Bouillagui has two or three baobab trees. But these trees are threatened by the wind and by theft of their fruit and leaves. As a solution, we set up a forestry brigade that has put an end to these thefts.
Je m’appelle Diangou Diakité, je viens de Bouillagui (Mali). J’ai 23 ans. J’ai cinq enfants. Je suis conseillère municipale à la mairie de Guidimakha Kerrikaffo. Je fais partie de l’association des femmes de l’ADEMA-PASJ (Alliance pour la démocratie au Mali – Partie africain pour la solidarité et la justice) pour plaider la cause des femmes au sein de la commune.
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