Mandiou Camara is under the kapok tree of Fatamantou: “Fatamantou is the place where Fataman used to hide. Fataman was a protective genie and that’s where the kapok tree grew. Before, our ancestors came to worship Fataman under this kapok tree by making offerings of chicken, white bread and kola. Fataman fulfilled all their wishes. But since the arrival of Islam, these practices are forbidden. The kapok tree is there, we no longer make offerings but we still preserve it because you never know, time is not fixed. One day we might have to come back to it.
My wish would have been to preserve this environment because you never know. This place should be a sacred place. One of our uncles took refuge here for 24 hours to escape death because nobody could come and get him here: he was under the protection of the genie. In this locality there are four sons: Fakassia, Fadiraken, Boussouboy and Fama. They are the children of Fénéoussou who is buried just on the hill here. And I am from the lineage of Fadiraken.