The impact of global warming in Bandafassi, Senegal, January 2022

This is a picture of the impact of global warming on the environment as this area in the picture was thick with trees five years ago. Trees such as Baobab, Kapok trees and Cailcedrat are the trees that have almost disappeared. Bush fires and timber cutting have devastated and impacted on rainfall.

One of the consequences of this climate change is the delay and scarcity of rain during the winter months.

By Jacques Camara


  • Je m’appelle Jacques Camara je suis Bedik et agent de développement communautaire à Bandafassi, mon village est considéré comme la porte d’entrée du pays Bassari, se trouvant au Sénégal dans la région de Kédougou, à 15 km de la capitale régionale.

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