Planting trees, Banzana, Mali, November 2021

My name is Abdou Sidibé, Kayes Banzana. 

I planted these trees because when we were young we used to see big trees, but now there are no more. We lack trees and the lack of trees is linked to the lack of rainfall. I felt that something had to be done and so I planted these few trees. 

The beginning was not easy but today I am satisfied with the result. At the beginning there were problems with the lack of water, I only watered with my hands, but today thank God it’s okay. 

When the means allow it, I will plant others.

by Adama Konaté, Banzana, Mali


  • Né vers 1998, je viens de la première région du Mali (Kayes). Mon village s’appelle Banzana. Je fais un BT2 en électromécanique.

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