“Bokossoni River in Bossoko”, (Guinea) – April 2021

“This river is called “Bossokôni”, hence the name of the village of Bossokô. But today, one can neither wash clothes nor drink from it. Bossokô is engaged in artisanal gold mining. Despite the negative effect of climate change, the degradation of the environment of Bossokô is due to certain anthropic activities.

This river is full of history, which tends to disappear.”

Sidiki Camara, delegate of Bossokô


  • Je suis Sidiki Camara, délégué villageois de Bossoko (République de Guinée), au compte de Donkosira pour le projet « watyguèleya kèlê ». Je suis cultivateur, âgé de 27 ans.

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