In Banzana, the villagers are noticing the negative effects of the drop in rainfall on yields and are trying to compensate for them with human labour. I am Haby Sangaré, Banzana. Here we only practice agriculture but there is no rain. We fertilise our fields by hand, we grow groundnuts to meet our needs, but the rain does not come,
“In Mali (Kayes region, village of Banzana), I remember when I was a child we used to start sowing on the 25th day of May to ensure a good season and the harvests were usually good. But nowadays, the rainy season starts later and later, and this year we started sowing in July and August. So if it doesn’t rain
Interview with Famakan Koné “Nowadays, there is no more rain, so our crops are lost. We love farming but if the harvest is not good because of the drought, it is discouraging. Rain is no longer enough, so we grow crops for our daily needs in order to survive the hard times, such as sweet potatoes, banankou, fruit trees and