Tag: Djiguiba Camara


Presentation of the book Djiguiba Camara in the village of Damaro, March 2022

In March 2022, Marie Rodet and Elara Bertho presented the book Djiguiba Camara, Essai d’histoire locale (available in free access here) to the descendants of the Camara family in the village of Damaro, a partner of the Watigueleya Kèlê project. The book traces the long history of the Camara migrations, accounts of the founding of the village, resistance to French

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Hymne de Djiguiba Camara

Voici la chanson en l’honneur de Djiguiba Camara, chef de canton de Damaro, dans la période coloniale tardive, en konianké et en traduction française Hymne de Djiguiba Camara – Kôrôni gnama Djeli mousso : Kôrôni gnama wo kôrôni gnama Môtô : An an kôrôni gnama Djeli mousso : Mousso igbarani kôma kolélé tchè igbarani djiba oulen né Djeli mousso :

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