“A spoilt pond in Damaro, Guinea”, May 2021

Kalil Camara, a farmer in Damaro, says: “Here the place is called ‘kônongroun’, this marigot is spoiled, the water was very deep, but look, you can even jump on it. The fish have gone, all the young people from the village of Damaro-centre used to come to wash there, to learn to swim, but because of the heat, it has dried up, the rice fields cultivated along this marigot no longer grow well.


Mariame Camara, delegate from Damaro


  • Je suis Mariam Camara, déléguée villageoise de Damaro (Guinée) au compte du projet « Watigueleya kèlê » de Donkosira. J’ai 23 ans et je suis élève en classe de 10ème Année.

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